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Tera de Marez Oyens Award 2021

The Tera de Marez Oyens Foundation is pleased to announce a call for scores for the 2021 Tera de Marez Oyens Award.

This year’s award is meant to bridge the gap between “music school” and “labour market”. The reward of €2.000 enables the composer to write a new short composition for a professional contemporary music ensemble, to be performed in Gaudeamus 2022.


The criteria are the general quality of work and score, originality, feasibility and a “public-oriented” power of expression, i.e. to engage the audience in a “story” or atmosphere.

The competition of 2021 is open to any graduate or early professional who fulfilled a bachelor or master’s degree in music at a Dutch music conservatory in 2018/19, 2019/20 or 2020/21. He or she must currently live in The Netherlands. The work must be part of your graduation project or another project that was created during your time at the music conservatory. All musical genres are included, electronic music as well as pieces with performance or improvised elements.


Works will be evaluated by a jury of professional musicians, composers, and a stage curator, (Vanessa Lann, Coen Stuit, Anne-Maartje Lemereis en Shane Burmania) presided by David de Marez Oyens. Three or four nominees will be invited to prepare a presentation of the selected work during a lunch time concert in TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht, on September 10th in Gaudeamus 2021. Selected composers will be informed no later than July 16th. The award ceremony will take place directly after the concert in TivoliVredenburg.

When offering up your composition, please consider that only 10 minutes are available for each nominated work. If your piece is longer, it’s possible to present a movement of approximately that duration. The performance of nominated pieces will take place on a chamber music stage, and the composer is required to engage the musicians him or herself (there is no ensemble available).


How to participate?

Send an email letter with your motivation and contact details, and add:

  1. a score (in PDF);
  2. a sound file of the performance, preferably a weblink or MP3 [optional];
  3. a short introduction to the piece (max 1 A4);
  4. a Curriculum Vitae (max 1 A4).

The total application should not exceed the 20 MB limit.

When and where?

The deadline is June 27th, 2021; The mail address: info [at] terademarezoyens [dot] nl

More information:

Questions: d.demarezoyens [at] ahk [dot] nl

About the foundation and the award: www.terademarezoyens.nl/en