Stichting Gaudeamus Muziekweek
Loevenhoutsedijk 301
3552 XE Utrecht
+31 (0)30 820 01 11 (you can reach us by phone on Mondays and Wednesdays)
for communication, marketing & press
+31 (0)6 1438 7793
Martijn Buser artistic and general director | martijn[at]gaudeamus[dot]nl
Floor Ruyters business director | floor[at]gaudeamus[dot]nl
Laurens Palsgraaf festival coordination, (technical) production manager | laurens[at]gaudeamus[dot]nl
Benjamin van Vliet marketing & communication| benjamin[at]gaudeamus[dot]nl
Matthijs Mantel programme & production | matthijs[at]gaudeamus[dot]nl
Christina Patsa programme & production | christina[at]gaudeamus[dot]nl
Jonás Bisquert programmer | jonas[at]gaudeamus[dot]nl
Natálie Kulina intern | natalie[at]gaudeamus[dot]nl
Martín Mayo intern | martin[at]gaudeamus[dot]nl