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Best of Young Composers Meeting

This concert has already taken place. Click here for our current concert programme.

The 15 musicians of orkest de ereprijs always succeed in meeting the wide variety and often specific wishes of present-day composers, which is why they are beloved performers of new music. Whether it is rocking electronics, modern classical or just plain hard core; with their timbre and specific combination of instruments they always know how to surprise the audience. During their yearly Young Composers Meeting composers from all over the world are invited to send in works with a maximum duration of 4 minutes.

The orchestra, always playing passionately and with an unconventional setting of wind instruments and electronical instruments, offers a selection of the best, toughest, and sweetest works from the last Young Composers Meeting. This includes Boogie Nights, specially written for de ereprijs by Joe Cutler, who is a member of the jury for the Gaudeamus Award 2017, Janco Verduins distinctive Distortion and a powerful summary with the Jazz Quintet Pump Organ.

After the concert you can visit the Multitudes installation.

Download here the handout for this concert.

Photo © Co Broerse

Joe Cutler - Boogie Nights
Janco Verduin - Distortion
Ali Can Puskulcu - Malkovich
Ryan A. Probert - Five Broken Pieces
Harm Roché van Tiddens - Ek verlang na die Plaas
work by Pump Organ

orkest de ereprijs
Vocal Federation
Wim Boerman - dirigent
Pump Organ

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