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Gaudeamus Award 2022 nominees vierkant

Gaudeamus Award 2022 Ceremony

This concert has already taken place. Click here for our current concert programme.

At the end of Gaudeamus Festival 2022, the winner of the Gaudeamus Award 2022 will be chosen – our prestigious incentive prize for young composers.

The nominated pieces for the Gaudeamus Award 2022 are:

  • The Tragedy Of Hikikomori Loveless by Rohan Chander (USA, 1998)
  • metamold by Bekah Simms (CAN, 1990)
  • Music for Bosch People by Alex Paxton (UK, 1990)
  • songs after sufjan by Baldwin Giang (USA, 1992)
  • Feast Of Selves by Bethany Younge (USA, 1989)

In the video below, the jury, consisting of Ann Cleare, Ted Hearne and Huang Ruo, give some insight in the selecting process and why they chose these five nominees.