Healing Voices is a multidisciplinary performance focusing on the voice as a tool to express trauma, but also to heal. The voice as a bringer of care. A collaboration between Gaudeamus and curators Hanna Grześkiewicz and Tyme Khleifi of the new Berlin Raneen Festival, with Palestinian soprano Nour Darwish and Lebanese composer Nour Sokhon.
In the opera film/installation with live vocals As If No Misfortune Had Occurred in the Night (in collaboration with film makers Søren Lind and Larissa Sansour), a Palestinian mother mourns the loss of her daughter and the eternal succession of traumas passed on to future generations. In the second half of the concert, Sokhon and Darwish engage in a semi-improvised dialogue based around means of processing trauma, together or individually, through sound and voice.
Anthony Sahyoun - As If No Misfortune Had Occurred in the Night
Nour Sokhon & Nour Darwish - new work