Using textiles or clothing to make cool electronic art? That is what Michelle Vossen and Veerle Pennock dream of!
E-textiles offer the possibility to convert soft touches, pinching movements, or stretchy knitted fabric into data. By using electrically conductive yarns to create electronic circuits and components (by embroidering or knitting, for example), you can control fantastic things such as sound, light, and movement. Designer and maker Michelle Vossen together with soldering and hardware expert Veerle Pennock, also the founder of Acid Solder Club, offer you an accessible introduction to the world of electronics. In this walk-in workshop, they teach you different textile techniques that you can then use independently to make your own soft sensors, resistors, and other components.
NB: suitable for all levels and backgrounds!
About Sounds Like Touch
Sounds Like Touch designs new, physical electronic instruments to make the performance of electronic music tangible (and therefore visible). They bring together professionals from different fields to create experimental prototypes of new, tactile musical instruments and bring them to the stage.
Veerle Pennock -
Michelle Vossen -