Gaudeamus not only started 2021 with a new director and business manager, but also an almost entirely new board. New are treasurer Romano Herrie, secretary Janny Rodermond, Nikita Shahbazi and Aart van der Maas. Rens Machielse remains as chairman.
From left to right in the picture:
- Nikita Shahbazi believes in the power of music and dance to create more connection between cultures. She is the founder of IMOVE Foundation and the Middle East Dance Company.
- Rens Machielse was director of HKU Music and Technology and is now active as media composer and teacher of film music. In 2020 his book The Sound Track was published.
- Aart van der Maas is musicologist, researcher, teaches at the Master Community Development (HU) and does his PhD researching inclusive culture commons.
- Janny Rodermond is urban sociologist, science journalist and editor-in-chief for the magazine de Architect. Was director/board member for the Stimuleringsfonds creatieve industrie.
- Romano Herrie is Senior Banker Telecom, Media & Technology at Rabobank and passioned music lover.