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Festival / Concert

NIME Concert: 5

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Gelijktijdig met Gaudeamus Festival 2024 vindt de mede door ons georganiseerde conferentie NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) plaats, waarin instrumentenuitvinders en muziektechnologie-ontwikkelaars een week lang presentaties geven. Bij verschillende concerten en keynotes van NIME ben je ook welkom met een passe-partout of dagkaart van Gaudeamus.

Jessica A Rodríguez – encarnadas (f.) embodiments
encarnadas => (f.) embodiments is an audio-visual project in the form of a performance piece and a dance-video piece. This is an 8-minute performance mixing a dancer, live video coding, and ASMR sonic experiences. This piece is an experimental homage to feminine human bodies, present both visually (through the image of the dancer physically and virtually) and sonically (through a sound composition built of repeating breathings, whispers, and other mouth sounds).

Mei-ling Lee – Summoner
Summoner explores the mysterious worlds of owls and peafowl, creatures symbolizing wisdom and foreboding. Crafted from recordings of peafowl, the composition reflects on the delicate balance of nature.

Se-Lien Chuang, Andreas Weixler – Die Schönheit der Vergänglichkeit
The illustrated structure and the organization of lines and strokes are the essence of the Chinese calligraphy. In an artistic analog to musical expression, the rhythmic dynamics of the hand, the time-shifting method, the articulation of breath, the wet pen/dry nib and the speed of pen movement during the writingprocess-momentum combine the characteristics of time and space in a distinctively individual and an immediately compositional way.

NIME 2024 wordt georganiseerd door de drie partners HKU Muziek & Technologie, Sounds Like Touch
en Gaudeamus en (financieel) ondersteund door TivoliVredenburg, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve
Industrie, Gemeente Utrecht en Utrecht Marketing.



NIME, HKU Music & Technology, Sounds Like Touch