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Festival / Educatie

NIME Keynote: Darsha Hewitt – Tuning the LoFi Soundscape: DIY Practice and the ‘Political Ecology’ of Music

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Gelijktijdig met Gaudeamus Festival 2024 vindt de mede door ons georganiseerde conferentie NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) plaats, waarin instrumentenuitvinders en muziektechnologie-ontwikkelaars een week lang presentaties geven. Bij verschillende concerten en keynotes van NIME ben je ook welkom met een passe-partout of dagkaart van Gaudeamus.

Darsha Hewitt (CA/DE) is an interdisciplinary sound artist that critically investigates the materiality of music and sound, (planned) obsolescence and the practices of technology that consumer society throws away. She makes sound/electromechanical installations, drawings, audio-visual works, how-to videos, sculptural installations and performative workshops.

With a media archeological approach, she deconstructs generations of obsolete technology to trace out systems of power, economy and control inherent throughout technological infrastructures. Her works simultaneously demystify the confounding inner systems at play within our technology while transforming it into unexpected sonic experiences that raise questions about our technological entanglements and their implications on humans and ecology.

NIME 2024 wordt georganiseerd door de drie partners HKU Muziek & Technologie, Sounds Like Touch
en Gaudeamus en (financieel) ondersteund door TivoliVredenburg, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve
Industrie, Gemeente Utrecht en Utrecht Marketing.

Foto © Lena Maria Loose


NIME, HKU Music & Technology, Sounds Like Touch