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Festival / Concert

NIME Concert: Dance and more

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Gelijktijdig met Gaudeamus Festival 2024 vindt de mede door ons georganiseerde conferentie NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) plaats, waarin instrumentenuitvinders en muziektechnologie-ontwikkelaars een week lang presentaties geven. Bij verschillende concerten en keynotes van NIME ben je ook welkom met een passe-partout of dagkaart van Gaudeamus.

Een divers NIME-concert, met uitvoeringen die dans omvatten in verschillende traditionele en culturele contexten en percepties door middel van beweging en zintuigen in relatie tot NIME-uitvoering.

Yunyu Ong, Emma Smith, Ryuji Hamada, Maddie Duncan and Lee McIver – When The Rain God Sings Storm Lions Are Born
Storytelling performance by Australian drum ensemble Taikoz. Performed with e-taiko drums, this piece transcends traditional techniques through interactive music structures inspired by game audio.

Sandy Ma and Yichen Wang – Unspoken
Two performers will engage in a 10-minute improvisational dialogue equipped with augmented reality (AR) headsets within this hybrid environment, whilst sitting away from each other to restrict visual communication. Mediated through a collaborative AR interface.

Filippo Angeloni, Matteo Tomasetti and Domenico Stefani – Esteso
Interactive AI music duet based on player-idiosyncratic extended double bass techniques. In Esteso, the musician and an AI counterpart take turns in an improvisational duet.

Ka Hei Cheng, Irina Kruchinina and Matin Esmaeili – Phantom of Utopia
Chinese Calligraphic Dance (CCD) is introduced in this paper as an innovative artistic discipline synthesizing traditional calligraphy, dance, and interactive technology. The elements utilized in the performance derive exclusively from traditional Chinese characters, grounded in the clerical script that originated during the Han Dynasty around 200 BCE.

NIME 2024 wordt georganiseerd door de drie partners HKU Muziek & Technologie, Sounds Like Touch
en Gaudeamus en (financieel) ondersteund door TivoliVredenburg, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve
Industrie, Gemeente Utrecht en Utrecht Marketing.



NIME, HKU Music & Technology, Sounds Like Touch