During the Thursday evening of Gaudeamus Festival 2024, we go into town. Stroll past churches, theatres and museums and go on a musical adventure. Discover how versatile, adventurous and unpredictable contemporary composing can be. And discover how beautiful and surprising Utrecht is!
TimetableBinkbeats & Henk Schut – OHM (installation)
An intimate sound ritual that visitors wander through, discovering new nuances each time.
Central Laat: Gaudeamus Festival x Freaky Dancing
Gaudeamus Festival and Freaky Dancing co-curate a colourful evening: Two new intimate works by Award nominees Lucy McKnight and Cem Güven, plus book and album launch and performance by composer Frieda Gustavs.
NIME Keynote: Binkbeats – Organic sounds in the synthesis of electronic music
Keynote voor NIME van producer, multi-instrumentalist en componist BINKBEATS.
Colorful works by current and former nominees for the Gaudeamus Award, and one of 2019 winner Kelley Sheehan.
NIME Concert: Dance and more
A diverse NIME concert, with performances that include dance in variety of traditional and cultural contexts and perceptions through movement and senses in relation to NIME performance.
Futurists Foundation / Jerzy Bielski & Thomas Brand – ZUAM
Opera singers and a deaf dancer perform an immersive opera ritual, featuring sign language, prototalk, folk music from around the world and electronics.
NIME Concert: Explorative NIME
New instruments and interfaces that are explored for their sonic and interactive affordances. The evening concludes with a jam-sessions combining ‘old’ and new NIMEs.